FENDER Wedge Assorted Kit 4X36 (144)

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $366.07
Product Description

FENDER Wedge Assorted Kit


Protects adjacent teeth during preparation! In almost 2-3 cases, adjacent teeth are damaged during class II preparation. Avoid this with FENDER WEDGE as you establish and maintain correct positioning for your contact point.

•   Easy to insert as a wedge

•   Jams in and stays put

•   Avoids interference

•   Placing a Fender Wedge prior to preparation, facilitates easy placement of matrix and establishment of contact points. Assorted Kit Contains 50 of each size X-Small, Small, Medium & Large


2DR-602750 FENDER Wedge Assorted Kit

4x36  (144)