DURR Orocup Care Bottle

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $138.75
Product Description

  Orocup Care Bottle


Hygiene power to give your suction system an extra-long life


Easy to work with – highly effective to use

DÜRR DENTAL invented suction system disinfection back in 1965 with Orotol®. Today, Orotol® plus is the world's most widely used disinfectant. The reasons for this are obvious enough: it is easy to use, suitable for a wide range of tasks and highly compatible with other materials. The success of Orotol® plus is based on our long-standing experience with suction systems. Trust the expertise and strength of the market leader in surgery hygiene.

Suction system and spittoon

Perfectly coordinated cleaning and disinfection products for eliminating germs from the suction system and thoroughly cleaning spittoons with spotless results.

2DU-078035000 Durr Orocup Care Bottle