GC Metal Strips #300 Coarse Blue (12) PREP Assorted mm's

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $177.00
Product Description



Finishing and polishing strips


Colour coded polishing strips for preparation, contouring, finishing and polishing of composite, glass ionomer or metal restorations.

New Metal Strips are electro-plated with aluminium-oxide particles. The strips will not stretch or break, and the excellent wear resistance and superior abrasive bonding allow wet finishing, which assures long-lasting and repeated use.



  • Electroplated aluminium oxide particles
  • Very flexible and tear resistant
  • Autoclavable and easy to clean
  • Able to reach between tight interproximal contacts
  • Various grades and widths


2GC-5100592 GC Metal Strips #300 Coarse Blue

Pack of 12


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