GC Fuji PLUS Powder 15g Luting Cement

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $158.00
Product Description


Resin-modified glass ionomer cement


Fuji PLUS has been designed to offer you simple and error-free cementation procedures and a strong and durable bond you can rely on. The outstanding performance and the availability in various shades make GC Fuji PLUS a multi-purpose cement.

Fuji PLUS is a resin modified glass ionomer luting cement that has consistently delivered stress-free cementation for routine crown and bridge restorations.

It provides the highest level of confidence through exceptional long-term clinical results.

Fuji PLUS EWT has an extended working time for luting long-span bridge work, combination work and luting of several restorations in one step.

  • Cementation of all types of metal, porcelain fused to metal, and resin crowns, inlays, onlays and bridges
  • Cementation of porcelain inlays
  • Cementation to all types of core material including prefabricated pins, posts and cast posts
  • Cementable reinforced all ceramic crowns (e.g. Procera)



2GCFUJPPDR GC Fuji Plus Luting Cement Powder 15g