IVOCLAR Adhesive Universal Vivapen 2ml

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $265.58
Product Description

Universal adhesion with advanced delivery

Adhese Universal is a single-component, light-cured adhesive for direct and indirect bonding procedures and all etching protocols[1]. It is the only universal bonding agent available in the efficient VivaPen delivery form.

Users of Adhese Universal are delighted by the new, innovative and user-friendly VivaPen delivery form, which provides up to four times more applications per ml compared with conventional bottles [2]. Adhese Universal offers reliably high adhesion values and the included desensitising effect ensures minimal risk of postoperative sensitivities [3].

Convince yourself of the benefits of the user-friendly VivaPen. Its pen-like design and bendable tip allow you to apply the adhesive quickly and effectively directly in the patient's mouth [4]. It does not have to be predispensed into a mixing well.


Greater confidence

  • Simple application protocol: fast and controlled application directly in the patient's mouth [4]
  • Precise dispensing due to the improved "click" mechanism
  • Reliable high bond strength (> 25 MPa) on enamel and dentin irrespective of the etching protocol used or the moisture conditions on the tooth surface
  • Minimised risk of postoperative sensitivity under dry and wet conditions [3]

Uncompromising quality

  • Predictable high bond strength (> 25 MPa) on enamel and dentine
  • Integrated desensitising effect that minimizes the risk of postoperative sensitivity [3]



1] Except in cases, where sufficient exposure to curing light cannot be ensured (e.g. adhesive cementation of endodontic posts.)
[2] Berndt & Partner, VivaPen Benchmarking Study, Study Report, April 2022 
[3] Platt J.A. et al., Dentaleconomics, 2016, p.71-72
[4] A protective sleeve must be used in intraoral procedures.
[5] Maassen, et al., J.Prosthet Dent, 2021, p. 182-188
[6] Aslan Y U et al., Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent, 2019 (27), p. 131-140
[7] Elsayed A et al., IADR Abstract #2657, 2017

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