DURR Orotol Plus Daily Suction Cleaning 2.5ltr Bottle

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $166.32
3 $160.16
Product Description

Orotol® plus suction unit disinfectant

Hygiene power to give your suction system an extra-long life

Easy to work with – highly effective to use

DÜRR DENTAL invented suction system disinfection back in 1965 with Orotol®. Today, Orotol® plus is the world's most widely used disinfectant. The reasons for this are obvious enough: it is easy to use, suitable for a wide range of tasks and highly compatible with other materials. The success of Orotol® plus is based on our long-standing experience with suction systems. Trust the expertise and strength of the market leader in surgery hygiene.


Foam-free liquid concentrate for simultaneous cleaning, disinfection, deodorisation and care of all suction systems and amalgam separators

  • Bactericidal, yeasticidal, limited virucidal (enveloped viruses incl. HBV, HCV, HIV and coronaviruses, as well as non-enveloped adenoviruses and noroviruses)
  • Dissolves biofilm and prevents formation of sludge through blood and proteins
  • The solution for contaminated suction systems - provides reliable protection against infection
  • Certified material compatibility – recommended by leading equipment manufacturers

Active ingredients: Quaternary ammonium compounds
Available as: 1 l, 2.5 l
Our recommendation: OroCup
MD 555 cleaner,

2IV-CDS110P6115 Durr Orotol Plus Daily Suction Cleaner

2.5 litre bottle