SDI Wave C2 Flowable Syringe 1g

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $29.91
Product Description


A flowable for all your clinical situations


Wave, Wave MV and Wave HV contain specially treated nano-fillers to maximize polishability, wear resistance and strength. Ease of extrusion is improved with the addition of these specially treated nano-fillers.


Wave, Wave MV and Wave HV are all visible on x-rays. This allows easy identification of secondary caries at the interface.

A choice of 3 viscosities

The wide number of viscosities available in the Wave range ensures the clinician has a choice for all different clinical conditions.

Natural fluorescence

Wave, Wave MV and Wave HV contain a fluorescent agent that ensures perfectly natural looking teeth under ultraviolet lights. No one will know


2SD-7512223 SDI Wave Flowable C2

1 x 1g syringes