ULTRADENT Jiffy Polisher Coarse Cup Green 890 RA (20)

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $96.62
Product Description

  JiffyTM Polishers

The Jiffy Original composite system consists of high-quality polishing cups, points, disks, and brushes. The polishers feature our specially formulated grit that gives a beautiful finish on any composite material and are available in coarse, medium, and fine grits for fast and complete shaping of any composite restoration. The polishing cups feature a flared, flexible, thin-wall design that is ideal for polishing near the gingiva. Jiffy HiShine™ polishers featuring ultrafine grit are also available to provide an extra smooth and highly polished finish.

  • Excellent for contouring, finishing, and polishing composites such as Mosaic™Amelogen™ Plus, and Vit-l-escence™ composites
  • Polishing cups feature a flared, flexible, thin wall design ideal for polishing near gingiva, labial surfaces, and easily covers all tooth surfaces
  • Features unique polishing brushes that facilitate unsurpassed polishing
  • Ultradent diamond grit gives a beautiful finish on any composite material
  • Unique disk shape gives you leverage on working surfaces
  • Autoclavable


2ULT-890 Ultradent JiffyTM Polishers

20 x Coarse Cup Green