STODDARD Sica Occlusal Brushes - Junior Cup RA (10)

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $41.25
Product Description

Stoddard Sica occlusal polishing brushes provide a single step, fast and effective polishing system for restorations and natural teeth. Polishing paste is not necessary as the special filaments are loaded with fine silicon carbide polishing particles for an exceptionaly high lustre finish as the brushes wear, abrasive grit is constantly exposed on each filament at the polishing surface.

A high lustre satin finish polishing of restorations made of composites, compomers and glass ionomer cements. No polishing paste required. One step finishing and polishing. Versatile. Faster and more effecient than polishing paste systems. Very econpmical. Available with gold cups. Low heat generation. Autoclavable and reuseable.

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