SHOFU Dura-Green Stones FG 0109 TC1 (12)
Product Information
Product Code
Minimum Purchase Qty
Purchase Price (inc GST)
Quantity | Price (each inc GST) |
1 | $57.92 |
Product Description
SHOFU Dura-Green Stones are excellent for fast contouring and finishing.
Dura-Green Fine Stones are ideal for surface characterization and adjusting details. Silicone carbide impregnated, long-lasting and fast cutting in an always concentric motion.
Dura-Green Stones for composites, amalgams, precious alloys, non-precious alloys
and porcelains.
Dura-Green Fine Stones for composites and porcelains. Available in a range of shapes and sizes,
R/A and FG shanks. Packs of 12.
6SHFU0109 Shofu Dura-Green Stones #0109 TC1 FG