SHOFU OneGloss Midi Point Refill (50) 0182

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $100.38
Product Description


OneGloss is a one-step finisher and polisher that provides the ideal finish for all types of composite restorations, simply by altering the contact pressure as you go from finishing to polishing.

  • Aluminum oxide polishers are disposable
  • Available in three different shapes
  • Complete kit with stainless steel CA mandrels
  • Durable enough to withstand polishing an entire arch


Use OneGloss for: composites, temporary crowns, removal of orthodontic cements and removal of stains from enamel


6SHFU0182 SHOFU One Gloss Midi Point Refill

pack of 50