ECOLAB Asepti Multizyme Enzymatic Instrument Detergent 5 litre

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $272.25
2 $261.36
Product Description


Asepti Multizyme liquid 5 Litre


  • Quadruple enzyme based detergent and is the product of choice where complete material compatibility and cleaning efficiency are the key criteria.
  • Low foaming multi-enzyme detergent for cleaning endoscopes and reusable medical instruments. Suitable for use in batch and index washer, ultrasonic and manual applications.
  • Complies with AS/NZ 4187:2014 and GENCA requirements and is classified as non-hazardous according to NOHSC.


EC-5603101 ECOLAB Asepti Multizyme Liquid

5 Litre