Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Test Pack 134°C (30/pcs) 6001154901

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $313.82
3 $292.90
Product Description

Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Test Pack 134°C


The Getinge Check Bowie-Dick Test Pack is used for daily monitoring of pre-vacum sterilizers operating at 134°C.


The test pack is packaged in an easy to open box and designed to operate in sterilizers with sub-atmospheric or trans-atmospheric cycles as defined in EN ISO 11140-4.


Performance Characteristics

If the sterilizer is functioning properly, the indicator graphic will show a colour change from blue to black throughout the entire indicator image. When excessive residual air or non condensable gases are present, the indicator will fail.

Major failures will leave a blue spot in the center of the sheet. Typical failures will appear as a smaller blue spot or a lighter shade of black in the center of the sheet compared to the edge of the sheet.


Physical Characteristics

 • Lamination: Two blotter sheet and one indicator sheet laminated on one side

 • Dimensions Card: 125mm x W 95mm

 • Packaging: 1 case 30 packs


Standards Classification

ISO 11140-4 , ISO 11140-1 Type 2 indicators for use in specific tests.


A6001154901 - GETINGE Check Bowie-Dick Test Pack 134°C (30)


**Replacement product for ABD108 - Steri-Pak Kit Lead Free Disposable Bowie Dick Test Packs**