EDENTA Orthodontic Bur Starter Kit #0080SO

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $272.77
3 $253.29
Product Description

EDENTA ORTHODONTIC KIT. The set contains 4 different trimmers/burs 3 mounted lab polishers and a polishing wheel, plus a screw type mandrel, and is utilized mainly for adjustments in the laboratory. All 4 burs/cutters are generally used to trim acrylics of functional appliances, and in the case of the jumbo acrylic cutter to trim bulk stone off working and study models. The 2 grey medium grit polishers are used for rough finish on acrylic repairs and the yellow fine grit polishers for high-shine. The polishing wheel and mandrel are primarily used to polish wires and bands that have been soldered.


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