BAUSCH Arti-Fol Approximal Contact Forceps BK-145

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $107.80
3 $100.10
Product Description

Arti-Fol® Approximal Contact Forceps


The Arti-Fol® forceps, designed by Dr. Müller, is intended for the fast and accurate fitting of restorations. The innovative and user-friendly design makes the product far easier to handle compared with conventional test methods.

The high clamping force of the forceps tightens the occlusion film on two sides and allows the dentist to carry out accurate contact correction.

A film can be inserted quickly and easily. The tool does not have any cavities and can be disinfected and sterilized according to conventional methods.

The Arti-Fol®forceps for approximal contacts is a German product and is manufactured from high- quality steel which guarantees a long life.

Arti-Fol®12µ metallic is also available in a width of 8 mm for use with the forceps.