BAUSCH Bio-Ink Flow Sore-Spot Indicator BK-205

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $55.13
3 $51.19
Product Description

  BIO-INK FLOW Sore-Spot Indicator


Bio-Ink®-Flow is a green, highly viscous, easy to apply paste for marking sore spots on the gum and locating them on the denture. Bio-Ink®-Flow is intended for marking points, areas and lines on the oral mucosa, such as sore spots, A-line, mucosal bands, folds and denture flanges.


DIBK205 BUASCH Bio-Ink Sore-Spot Indicator

1 x 1ml Bio-Ink® Paste , 1 holder for applicator, 50 x applicators, Magic-Brush for single-use, 10 x Single Use Applicator needles + Instructions