MK-DENT Electric Motor Silicone Tubing suits BienAir & NSK on SIRONA 1.37m Light Grey

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $589.88
3 $544.50
Product Description

MK-dent HO3016


Silicone Tubing - 1030 mm length

400° Swivel Connection and Spray regulation system

For Bien-Air® MC3 and NSK® TiMax M40 electric motors


Suitable for the following units:

For the Sirona® units M1, M196, M1+, C3, C3+, C6, E3


Thanks to the flexible, 400° turnable swivel connection, you will experience an absolute freedom of movement in your work routine.



Available with connections for high speed handpieces, motors and scaler.

 Our range includes the following manufacturers:

 KaVo©, Bien-Air©, NSK©, EMS©, Acteon© and Chirana©.  


Manufactured of highest quality, extra durable silicone, the MK-dent tubings offer a maximum endurance.


Colour: Light Grey

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