MK-dent Ultrasonic Scaler Handpiece suit EMS Piezon Non-Optic (Type EN-061)

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $546.98
Product Description


Ultrasonic Scaler



 Linear tip movement

Elliptical movement

Drastacally reduced pain


Traditional scalers operate at frequencies between 5-15 kHz with an eliptical movement of the tip.  The piezoelectric methods moves the tip at approx 30 kHz in a linear way.  Drastically reduced pain makes ultrasonic scaling more appreciated by patients


 Stainless Steel cap

Eliminated pull,

Perfect balance


A Stainless Steel Cap prevents damage to the front of the Handpiece.  Additionally, the cap gives you the perfect balance as the weight is pulled to the front of the handpiece, balancing the weight of the tubing.  This way, the pull on the hand is eliminated.


 Synthetic material housing

Quality plastics,

Fully sealed on the inside


Autoclaving a scaler handpiece after using it is an essential part of the reprocessing procedure.  Designed with highest quality plastics to fully seal the inside of the handpiece, attacks by superheated steam at 135OC (275OF) will not harm the scaler handpiece.


SC21E2 (Set SC5)

EMS Piezon Non-Optic Type EN-061