KERR Revolution 2 C2 Syringes (4)

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $115.53
3 $110.90
Product Description

  Revolution™ Formula 2

Flowable Light Cure Composite

Flowable light-cured, hybrid composite for Class III, IV and V restorations that is 60% filled by weight with 0.6µm particle size filler. Revolution™ Formula 2 flows into the preparation for easier placement and contouring, which is ideal where minimally invasive techniques are indicated. It is dispensed via a 1g syringe with an application tip for increased accuracy and fingertip control. Revolution™ Formula 2 is fast and easy to use, providing excellent colour stability and polishing to achieve an exceptionally high quality aesthetic finish.


K29503 KERR Revolution 2 Shade C2

4x1g Syringe