Kerr Adult Lead X-Ray Apron No-Collar BLUE

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $284.39
3 $264.08
Product Description

Lead X-ray Apron without collar 

Lead X-ray Aprons provide protection for patients from secondary radiation during intra-oral radiography. The lead X-ray apron drapes comfortably over the patient and the corduroy backing prevents it from slipping off the patient. These lead X-ray aprons are easy to clean with a vinyl front and durable stain-resistant binding.

Adult size measurements: 23" width x 26" length. Length measured from neckline.

Each X-ray apron weighs 5 lbs 10 oz.

 31401 Lead X-ray Apron Adult without Collar Blue

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