KERR Hawe Implant Paste 45g

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $12.33
3 $11.45
Product Description

Implant Paste

Paste containing aluminium oxide

This special prophy paste is developed for the efficient and gentle maintenance of implants. With a pleasant, fresh mint taste and fluoride-free, this pumice-free paste is ideal for application following the use of implant deplaquers to eliminate biofilm deposits. The selected formulation and the low RDA of 10 enable regular cleaning of the implant surface without scratching it. The result will impress even the most demanding professionals, as use of the paste results in a clean implant surface, so slowing down attachment of new deposits and aiding implant longevity.

All cups and brushes are recommended for use during an implant hygiene session using this special paste.

Special features and characteristics:

  • Fluoride-free
  • Pumice-free
  • Low RDA value (<10)
  • Pleasant fresh mint taste
  • Does not scratch the implant surface.


Hawe Implant Paste

3500 Hawe Implant Paste

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