Elements IC Backfill - Type 1

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $3,731.51
3 $3,576.03
Product Description

elements™ IC


The ergonomic Backfill device features a motorized extruder system for precise temperature and speed control for a 3D obturation of the root canal system, utilizing single-use gutta percha cartridges.


•Plan and control your procedure:

 gutta percha level indicator


•Cinicians‘ comfort:

 aerogel insulation surrounds the heating element


•Control the gutta percha flow:

 customizable motor speed for a reduced extrusion time (data on file)


•Adjustable temperature range:

 from 100°C to 230°C


•Reduced extrusion time

 at least 20% compared to elementsfree (data on file)




 The indicator estimates how many canals you can obturate with the material left in the GP cartridge:


Indicator                         4             3                2                  1              0

Gutta Percha Level       Full         75%           50%           25%        Empty


 360° activation ring


 Mode Button: toggle through the presets


 Reverse button to retract the piston


 Configurable motor speed

              X1: elementsfree speed

              X2: double speed compared to elementsfree for faster extrusion


Downpack and Backfill common features

•Same screen

•Same digital interface

•Same controls

•Organic Light Emitting Diode display (OLED)•Same, easy to replace battery

•Temperature display

•Volume control: 6 levels

•Preset temperatures for gutta percha and custom setting


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