CLINIJET-WS Weekly Suction Line Cleaner & Disinfectant 1 Litre

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $26.40
Product Description

CliniJet-WS (Weekly)


CliniJet-WS should be used once or twice per week as part of the routine maintenance & sanitation of aspiration lines & to assist the removal of bioburden.


Highly effective sanitiser and descaler helps remove soils that are resistant to other detergents. Incorporates unique de-foaming surfactants that ensure penetration of biofilm and contaminating soils. Mildly acidic descaling agents based on natural Lactic acid and Citric acid are incorporated for their excellent compatibility with metal, plastic and rubber components.


1 Litre bottle.

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