Medster SafeCheck Bowie & Dick Test Pack (10/pcs) 20.210

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $79.20
3 $73.92
Product Description


SafeCheck Bowie & Dick Test Package


  • It has been produced in order to detect cycle errors such as air leaks, insufficient steam penetration and vacuum pump failure that may occur in pre-vacuum steam sterilizers.
  • The Bowie & Dick test package consists of a series of vapor penetration (air evacuation) barriers with a chemical indicator in the middle.
  • The Bowie & Dick Test Package is designed to convert at 134 °C and in 3.5 minutes.
  • The Bowie & Dick Test Package has reliable performance and provides accurate results.
  • It shows a clear and definite color change after a successful sterilization process.
  • The indicator used does not contain lead, heavy metals and other chemicals that are harmful to health.
  • There is LOT, Production Date and Expiration Date information on the product label.

O54090 - Medster SafeCheck Bowie Dick Test Pack - 10/pcs