Ligmaject® Intraligamental Syringe - Chrome **Last One!!**

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $614.46
3 $570.57
Product Description

Ligmaject® Intraligamental Syringe for 1.8ml Cartridges

(can be converted to accept 2.2ml cartridges)
The Ligmaject® is an effective and improved means of delivering anaesthesia without the many drawbacks inherent with the Mandibular block.
Ligmaject® provides for immediate anaesthesia, thus allowing for instant treatment with minimal amount of lost chair time.
Ligmaject® is virtually painless upon application.
Ligmaject® eliminates the side effects common with the mandibular block (numbness of the tongue and lips).


  • ergonomic design
  • handle made of high-strength die-cast zinc (LIGMAJECT® I)
  • simple and very reliable handling
  • one movement of the trigger lever corresponds to 0.2 ml
  • with protective sleeve
  • autoclavable at 134 °C or 273 °F
  • Adapter available and required to allow use of 2.2ml Anaesthetic Cartridges