Bio Hygiene BEVISTO W1 Acidic Suction Cleaner Orange - 1 Litre Bottle

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $44.20
Product Description

Bevisto W1 is an acid cleaning agent for aspiration systems with a disinfecting active substance for use in medical devices such as dental units. Very effective and completely free of aldehydes and phenols. Bevisto W1 is a concentrate which is prepared as a solution of 5% (up to 10%) that is 50ml Bevisto W1 with 950ml of water (5%) or 100ml with 900ml of water (10%). Use for dissolving blood protein, sodium hydrocarbonate, hydrogen peroxide and algal deposits. Bevisto W1 is used in weekly change witjthe alkaline cleaner Bevisto W2.

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