PRI-MED 160 Tie-on Surgical Mask Anti-Fog, Anti-Glare, Visor Level 3 (25) Blue
Product Information
Product Code
Minimum Purchase Qty
Purchase Price (inc GST)
Quantity | Price (each inc GST) |
1 | $51.84 |
4 | $48.39 |
Product Description
Pri-Med 160 Surgical Mask
PRIMED Level 3 Surgical Mask, Anti-Fog, Anti-Glare, Visor, Tieback – 4 Ply
Based on ASTM F2100 standards, this mask provides the highest level of protection during surgical procedures. The attached visor and advanced fluid-resistant and filtration
capabilities of the mask provide all-in-one protection for procedures with a high risk of fluid splash or surgical debris, such as orthopedic surgery or trauma.
Suitable For:
- Hospital and medical
- Emergency rooms
- ICU and trauma areas
- Areas with high risk of fluid splash
Product Features:
- Level 3 Barrier
- Conforms to ASTM F2100
- Highest level of fluid protection
- Anti-fog
- Anti-glare
- Visor to protect eyes
SENPG4-5037 PRI-MED Level 3 Surgical Mask, Anti-Fog, Anti-Glare Visor
4 ply box of 25 carton of 4 boxes
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