DENTIANN Bite Trays Posterior #1 (50) DS-EP01
Product Information
Product Code
Minimum Purchase Qty
Purchase Price (inc GST)
Quantity | Price (each inc GST) |
1 | $29.70 |
3 | $27.72 |
Product Description
Dentiann Impression Trays
Disposable single use Bite Tray. Rigid and grooved plastic frames for distortion free impressions by locking the impression material and assisting in impression material adhesion. Ultra-thin contact area (1.5mm) for patient comfort. Thin and loose non-tear mesh. ID label sticker adheres to tray handle for accurate patient identification.
Perfect impression results, easy to remove, no contraction and ID label.
Bite Tray #1 Posterior tray pack of 36 trays
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