EthOss Bone Regeneration 3x 1.00CC syringes

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $950.40
Product Description

  Bone Regeneration


Developed by clinicians for clinicians, EthOss® is the result of many years’ experience with guided bone regeneration (GBR) and bone grafting in dental surgery.

The human body is amazing - it wants to heal. EthOss® has been created to work with it by using fully biocompatible materials to help true host bone regeneration.

It is a synthetic material that quickly turns into bone to help speed along dental procedures. EthOss® creates an environment rich in phosphate and calcium ions that provide a stable scaffold for bone regrowth.

It is totally free from any animal or human content and 100% bio-absorbs. This true regeneration leaves only host bone

In clinical trials, EthOss has shown outstanding results, with human biopsies typically showing 50% novo-bone at 12 weeks.



  • EthOss is a combination of Beta-Tri-Calcium Phosphate and Calcium Sulphate, creating an environment rich in phosphate and calcium ions, ideal for bone regrowth.
  • The Calcium Sulphate acts as a built-in barrier against soft tissue ingress, removing the need for an additional collagen membrane. This simplifies and expedites treatment.
  • Provides an ethical and highly effective solution for GBR, periodontitis, buccal defects, sinus grafts and extraction socket filling.
  • Helps new bone to grow quickly, with minimal discomfort and pain.
  • Over the course of treatment it will be completely replaced by the patient's own bone and it won't leave any remnants in their body.
  • Easily mixed into a paste with saline and applied using a simple syringe delivery system.
  • Available in 2 single-use syringe sizes (0.5cc and 1cc).



W270001 - Ethoss 3 x 1.00cc syringe