MDT Crown Preparation Diamond Bur Kit (8)

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $83.62
3 $77.65
Product Description

    Crown Preparation Kit


MDT Micro Diamond Technologies Ltd., is a dynamic, high-tech, fast-growing Dental Rotary Instruments manufacturer. 


Selected Diamonds, together with Swiss-made heat treated and ground Stainless Steel shanks, is only part of the MDT global success story. 

The cutting edge that MDT diamonds offers is thanks to the advanced bonding technology that allows advanced and superior 60% Exposure "More Diamond per Diamond'. 


MDT's Superiority Through Technology is supported by in-house R&D and tailor-made state-of-the-art production lines. In addition, the "Triton" coating process more than doubles the strength of the diamond bonding to the tool for superior performance, enabling long-lasting, sharp, smooth cutting ability.


Crown Preparation Order No. Kit/01

110-014M Flat End Cylinder

166-017F Pointed Cone

171-014C Flat End Taper

173-017M Flat End Taper

173-017C Flat End Taper

174-013XF Flat End Taper

290-010M Torpedo

290-012M Torpedo


W340001 MDT Crown Preparation Kit

set of 8