ONGARD Fresh-N-Up Wet Towels (50) Office Pack

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $27.12
5 $25.25
Product Description

Ongard Fresh'n ups Towels Office 50


Fresh'n ups offer you the opportunity to pamper your patients.

Each luxuriously thick towel is moisterised with scented essential oils leaving the patient feeling fresh and revitalized.

Ideal for post treatment routine Removing excess materials, handpeice spray, prophy paste etc.

Each towel is individually foil-wrapped to maintain freshness Supplied in a self dispensing box of 50 towelettes Chill them to give your patient that cool invigorating sensation


W685050 Ongard Fresh'n ups Towels

bax of 50 individual foil packs