BACTOL BLUE Antibacterial Hand Rub - 80ml Pocket Pack

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $4.62
3 $4.13
Product Description

  Bactol® Alcohol Gel


Bactol® Alcohol Gel provides antibacterial hand cleansing without the need for water. It has been specially formulated with a natural emollient to replace the skin's lipids which are removed by alcohol. This helps maintain skin integrity and prevents moisture loss leaving your hands hygienic, soft and replenished.


Bactol® Gel has been developed in compliance with EN1500 testing standard for alcohol based hand rubs. It is formulated with an alcohol concentration of 70% Ethanol v/v, as recommended by WHO for maximum efficacy.* Whiteley Medical has designed a universal bracket for the Bactol® Alcohol Gel 500mL pump bottle to be wall or bed mounted at the point of care. Bactol® Alcohol Gel is also available in 1L pods for use in Whiteley Dispensing Systems (automated or manual).

AUST R 155397

*WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in healthcare, World Health Organisation, 2009.


Y020068 Bactol Blue Antibacterial Hand Rub

Purse pack 80ml bottle


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