CLINIJET-DS Daily Suction Line Cleaner & Disinfectant 5 Litre

Product Information
Product Code

Minimum Purchase Qty

Purchase Price (inc GST)

Quantity Price (each inc GST)
1 $70.58
Product Description

CliniJet-DS (Daily) HGD

Dental Aspiration & Suction Unit Disinfectant/Cleaner


CliniJet-DS should be used each day as part of the routine maintenance & sanitation of aspiration lines & to assist the removal of bioburden.


Takes maintenance and safety to a new level.  Don't just clean your suction lines - disinfect and clean!  Passes the TGA Hospital Grade Disinfectant Test.


Unique blend of de-foaming surfactants to ensure detergency of contaminating soils and penetration of the biofilm.


Mild alkaline auxiliary agents enhance the activity of the disinfectant and aids in the solubilization of proteins and soils.


Very economical; 5 litres makes 100 litres of wash solution


No toxic phenols, aldehydes or alcohols



5 Litre bottle.